X post in Labor & GD.

Pride At Work member Cleve Jones recently posted to The Huffington Post an article entitled, "What Would Harvey Milk Say About President Clinton's Speech at the Manchester Hyatt?"
In it, Jones states, "This Sunday, President Clinton is scheduled to give a paid speech at the Manchester Hyatt in San Diego to the annual convention of a major political action committee, the International Franchise Association.
To give this speech, President Clinton will have to violate a union boycott and labor dispute - the workers at the hotel lack job security and the housekeepers face onerous workloads. He will also offend gay and lesbian Americans, including myself - the owner of the hotel, Doug Manchester, contributed $125,000 in early seed money to the Proposition 8 campaign. President Clinton should move this speech."
To read the full article please visit The Huffington Post.
Time is short- President Clinton's speech is this Sunday. You can make a difference and take action. Take a moment and visit the Clinton Foundation and ask President Clinton to move his speech to another hotel, preferably one that doesn't have a record of virulent anti-gay and anti-union organizing. Please email the foundation today and let them know you expect more out of President Clinton. Take action by clicking here.
Other highlights from Cleve's piece on The Huffington Post:
"The Manchester Hyatt Boycott has been on since early July, when a coalition of the gay community and labor movement in San Diego announced its call. Since then, the boycott has been remarkably successful in mobilizing hotel guests and large conventions to support marriage equality and economic justice through their choices as consumers. In a local business paper, Hyatt officials admitted that the boycott has cost the hotel $2.4 million. The real cost is likely much higher. Certainly, the Boycott's implications are deeper."
"The Manchester Hyatt Boycott is following in Harvey Milk's footsteps by building the bridges necessary to win real equality for gays and lesbians in the state of California and at the Federal level, where we are still denied many fundamental rights such as full Social Security and Veterans' benefits. To win those rights, we are going to need to build alliances with labor and its constituencies: low income workers, immigrants and Latinos. As November's election results clearly showed, we cannot do it alone."
You can make a difference, and it only takes a minute. Take a moment and visit the Clinton Foundation and ask President Clinton to move his speech to another hotel, preferably one that doesn't have a record of virulent anti-gay and anti-union organizing. President Clinton's speech is this Sunday! Please email the foundation today and let them know you expect more out of President Clinton. Take action by clicking here.
http://www.clintonfoundation.org/contact-formAnd thank you Cleve, for raising your voice for justice!
Ask your friends to demand that President Clinton move his speech!
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