You asked for it and you got it: In addition to our events on weeknights throughout the year, Garden State Equality will hold additional events on the weekends to accommodate those who work late, those who don't want to brave rush-hour traffic during weeknights, and those who'd like to involve the entire family in the civics of working for marriage equality together.
We're calling our new weekend events... ACTION FAIRS.
The first Garden State Equality ACTION FAIR is this
Sunday, February 22 at 2:00 pm in Maplewood at the Burgdorff Cultural Center, 10 Durand Road.
Each ACTION FAIR will have a very exciting format that will entertain and engage you and your loved ones of every age. We'll have activities for kids. We've been cooking up this innovative program for months!
At each ACTION FAIR, there'll be a rotating series of interactive activities right on site where you'll take action for marriage equality and leave the ACTION FAIR with a personal game plan for the week ahead.
Again, please join us at the first Garden State Equality ACTION FAIR
this Sunday, February 22 at 2:00 pm in Maplewood at the Burgdorff Cultural Center, 10 Durand Road. We'll serve free sandwiches and drinks. No need to RSVP.
As always, please forward this email to your family, friends, colleagues and list servs.If you have any questions, be in touch with my wonderful colleague Hannah Johson, Garden State Equality's Field Director, at Johnson@GardenStateEquality.org or cell (920) 222-1878.
Thank you so much.
Steven Goldstein
Chair, Garden State Equality
I'll be running one of the workshops on Sunday. Won't find out until Saturday which one it will be.
The first night I volunteered there were about 5 other volunteers. This past Wednesday we had grown to over 30.
If you can't make it, please forward this to someone you know or get in touch with me for information about other upcoming events.
We are quickly building this grassroots movement in New Jersey to make sure same-gender marriage passes in 2009. The more people involved, the faster we can get legislation on Corzine's desk to sign.