I haven't seen the action alert you mentioned yet, FreeState, but will look for it and post on it when I find it.
Except for this forum and a couple others, a lot of the people in the general forums are flat out jerks. I don't mean everyone, but there's too many that are just nasty and insensitive. And I don't care if they're dems, some of them can still be jerks. I don't like fighting with people, but I am starting to lose my patience with some of them.
Know what you're paying for. The Stimulus Plan ("American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009"): Orig. House version --
http://appropriations.house.gov/pdf/RecoveryBill01-15-09.pdf , House spreadsheet --
http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pV-c6t5fOVmNorqMpHvnCMw ; Senate version --
http://appropriations.senate.gov/News/2009_02_02_The_American_Recovery_and_Reinvestment_Act_of_2009.pdf ; and Senate compromise --
http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-1 , Text and $$$ details of Senate compromise --
http://appropriations.senate.gov/News/2009_02_08_UPDATED_Appropriations_Provisions_of_American_Recovery_and_Reinvestment_Act.pdf?CFID=4043629&CFTOKEN=40573040 . In addition to --
http://readthestimulus.org/amdth1.pdf , along with --
http://www.readthestimulus.org/ . Final version, Feb. 13th, 1500 pgs. worth --
http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/arra_public_review/ , more details on the final version --
http://www.taxpayer.net/resources.php?category=&type=Project&proj_id=1913&action=Headlines%20By%20TCS , including spending --