From Pam's House Blend
I hope this gives other fence sitters and jellyfish on the Hill the idea that they can not only discuss marriage equality, but change their position on it, legitimately saying their thinking has evolved. (Are you listening Mr. President?). (Quad City Times):
Democratic U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin said Friday he no longer holds the same views he held when he voted for the federal Defense of Marriage Act that prohibited federal recognition of same-sex marriage nearly 13 years ago.
Harkin described his own evolution on the issue during a taping of Iowa Public Television's "Iowa Press," which airs this weekend.
"We all grow as we get older, and we learn things and we become more sensitive to people and people's lives," Harkin said. "And the more I've looked at that, I've grown to think differently about how people - how we should live. And I guess I'm at the point that, you know - I'm to that point of live and let live," Harkin said.
Notice there is no mention of religion; that's a clear sign that Harkin knows this discussion is about civil marriage and the road to cultural acceptance of -- indeed -- a redefinition of marriage. In either case we are talking about an institution -- no matter what the bible-beaters say -- has evolved over time. He also took a fearless swipe at NOM, saying "There's always going to be some who feel that they have to push this issue, and for whatever reason, they're going to try to push it and try to divide people up, but they're on the losing end. They're on the losing end of history."