Singer threatens to boycott Eurovision over Moscow anti-gay stand
(Amsterdam, Netherlands) The lead singer of the Netherlands’ entry in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest says he will refuse to perform if Moscow police violently suppress this year’s gay pride parade.
This year’s Eurovision Song Contest is being hosted by Moscow and will be broadcast throughout Europe.
LGBT civil rights have set May 16 for the parade - the same day as the song festival finals will be held.
City officials have refused to grant a permit for the parade and gays say they will march anyway. A city spokesperson said that any attempt to hold a parade would be “firmly dealt with.” “Such events will be firmly stopped by the authorities,” Moscow city spokesperson Leonid Krutakov said.
Gay rights leaders have asked entrants to the Eurovision competition to use the telecast to speak out for LGBT rights.
Pop singer Gordon, a member of the Dutch group The Toppers, is the first to do so.
In an interview with Dutch public broadcaster NOS he said he will refuse to take the stage at the Eurovision Song Contest final if police stop the parade.
Laws against homosexuality were repealed at the end of the Communist era but Moscow city officials have refused to allow gays to hold a pride march for years.
Moscow Pride has seven cases already pending before the European Court of Human Rights.