The Olympian in Olympia, WA)
There were 28 incidents involving derogatory references to sexual orientation that resulted in disciplinary action in the North Thurston, Olympia and Tumwater school districts between 2002 and mid-March 2005. That's equal to slightly less than one incident per month somewhere in the three districts' 49 schools, according to disciplinary records released as a result of a public information request by The Olympian.
More than half -- 15 of the 28 cases -- occurred in middle schools.
In five instances, the disciplined student did more than use a derogatory phrase, such as throwing something at someone, threatening physical violence or actually hitting another student.
Students disciplined in such cases in all three districts typically were suspended from school for one or two days.
Washington's anti-bullying law, which was enacted in 2002, requires schools to adopt policies that protect students from bullying related to their sexual orientation, race, religion, disability or body shape.
http://www.theolympian.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050618/NEWS/506180302(The end of the article contains a table of various incidents and copies of the reports and actions taken by the school district.)