You have to admire the parents for doing what the child wants. Published Saturday May 16, 2009
'I'm a boy-girl,' says 8-year-old
After the final bell rings at the west Omaha Catholic school, 8-year-old Ben will give away the last of his boy clothes — his school uniform — and live full time as the person inside: Katie.
Following behavioral testing, therapy and a lot of research, the parents have decided to switch their child to a public school and to let their son live as a girl.
They know the path Katie faces is long, difficult and fraught with controversy. Some scientists say the approach they are taking amounts to child abuse. Other scientists say any other response would be abuse.
What might seem like a drastic, life-altering decision for their child is in fact the culmination of years of words and deeds that convinced Katie's parents, extended family members and therapists of this: She is a girl born into a boy's body.
In the Sunday World-Herald and e-Edition, read how the family came to its decision.