(A story out of suburban Columbus, Ohio)
A group of Upper Arlington residents last week called for the removal of gay-oriented publications from the local library, saying the free newspapers found in the library's foyer were "smut."
The handful of people who spoke to the library's Board of Trustees at its June 14 meeting included UA City Councilman Tim Rankin, who said pictures and text found in Outlook Weekly and Gay People's Chronicle are "offensive and inappropriate."
Depictions of two men about to kiss, and a shirtless man wearing a leather strap and an alluring facial expression, on the covers of the newspapers are not the kind of things people want their children to be exposed to, several residents told board members.
The effort to remove the periodicals was spearheaded by resident Mark Bloom. He wrote letters to the trustees, met with Library Director Ann Moore and contacted fellow members of the Upper Arlington Republican Club about the issue.