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Brazil Court OKs Gay Adoption

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davidinalameda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-12-05 10:51 AM
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Brazil Court OKs Gay Adoption

maybe I need to learn Portugese

A judge in Sao Paulo has ruled that there is no valid reason for denying a same-sex couple the right to adopt children. It is believed the case is the first in Brazil where a gay couple has been allowed to jointly adopt a child.

Vasco Pereira da Gama, 33, and Dorival Pereira de Carvalho, 41, have been fighting for the right adopt for five months. The couple has been together for 13 years and owns a model agency and beauty salon according to Radio Brazil.

The men met with a psychologist, social assistants and a public prosecutor before going to court.

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melissinha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-12-05 10:56 AM
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1. hooray!
Considering the number of orphans in Brasil, that is a great break.

I can tell you from experience... my sister's godparents couldn't have children and adopted 3 boys in Brasil (they lived there at the time) In case you didn't know.... at least back then.... its easier to adopt baby boys because mothers hold on to baby girls.... little girls can make $$ for their families as they cna become maids.

THere are so many deserving little children in Brasil and the entire world that would benefit from the love of a family, regardless of the sex of the parents.
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