at Oregon State University think that new studies showing that about 8 percent of rams are "male-oriented" have the potential to help explain sexuality in other mammals, including humans.
The findings, by researchers at Oregon State, Oregon Health & Science University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Sheep Experiment Station, suggest that homosexuality may be biologically driven, a hot topic in the perennial "nature vs. nurture" debate.
"We’re after a basic biological understanding of how the brain works, and the neurons that drive sexual behavior," said Fred Stormshak, distinguished professor of animal science at Oregon State, and an investigator on the project.
The study began in 1995, when researchers at the federal Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois, Idaho, noticed that some rams refused to mate with female sheep. Of these animals, some showed no interest in males or females, and a fraction preferred to mount other rams.
I'm waiting for the follow-up study to determine just how many of the 8 percent are "that way" after having been buggered by freepers, Repugnantcans and fundies.