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Gay Uganda bloggers conversation with a Ugandan Legislator (OMFG seriously)

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FreeState Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-16-09 03:57 AM
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Gay Uganda bloggers conversation with a Ugandan Legislator (OMFG seriously)

This bill means the difference between life and death for me.

No frills. No political correctness. No fake ideals, or anything like that. And, I must admit to myself that, the gloves have to be off. I have to say it like it is, and show the world what we are up against.
If I seem too ruthless, forgive me. It is my life in balance. If you think you cant sink as low as I, well, lucky you.

I have been concerned that the knowledge that is out in the world, that I am privy to is not getting to the major principles of the bill. So, as the news came in, I decided to send to a few legislators, Ugandan MPs, the reaction of the rest of the world.

So, I sent the Rick Warren letter. The Rachel Maddow links, . I sent the update on the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Vatican, etc.

Have had quite a conversation. Private.

Well, I have decided to make part of it public. On this blog. The conversation between me and the Rt Honourable Benson Obua Ogwal. (UPC) Member of Parliament for Moroto.

arted a while ago.

I sent him this article. 'Christians, Put down the Stones'

Here was the esteemed legislators response.

Dear Anonymous Gay,
And you think this will deter us?
There are a very few aspects of the Bill that we can concede on like the Death Penalty and Extra-territorail Jurisdiction, but Gays won't have a field day in this country, try as the would. It is not about any of those Anti-Gya activists being attacked in the media. It is about Uganda. If only Gays could do it behind closed doors and not try to lure the innocent poor youth, it
would be a different matter. But they are becoming bolder and bolder.
My brief reply

Put down the Stones, Mr. MP
You have accused us of too many false deeds.
Put down the Stones

Then, after some time, I sent the statement of the Vatican Permanent representative to the United Nations that I blogged about here. Just the statement.

Here was Hon. Benson's reply.

Hey Gay Pervert,
How about this one coming from all religious leaders across board right here
at home?:
We love gays, but hate homosexuality which has no place here.
Forget about the Bill being withdrawn, for it will be passed in due time.

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Meldread Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-16-09 05:12 AM
Response to Original message
1. I've always held to the principle of tit for tat.
As a general rule of thumb, I believe in non-aggression. However, when an individual commits an act of aggression upon you, such as what is taking place in Uganda right now, then it is perfectly acceptable for you to defend yourself.

It's not civilized to act in such a manner, but really we're looking at a law that could potentially be a holocaust for gays in Uganda. We have the wisdom of the past when dealing with such individuals, such as Hitler and his Nazi Party. We saw what they brought to the world. It's about to take place in Uganda. How many lives would have been spared had Jews, Gypsies, Gays and all others sent to concentration camps to die had simply decided to fight back and kill the Nazi's?

The sad part in all of this is not the fact that this will likely pass in Uganda, but the International Community - despite their condemning of Uganda - will do nothing to stop it. My biggest fear is that once this takes place in Uganda, it will eventually spread elsewhere, and this could very easily become a genocidal witch hunt for gays.
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