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Anti-Marriage backers going to push further retreat from real world

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CatholicEdHead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-16-09 04:02 PM
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Anti-Marriage backers going to push further retreat from real world
I received the following email, for anti-gay marriage proponents (the name knock off Catholic for the Common Good Institute), they feel like they have won some legislative battles but are loosing the overall culture war. Their reactions are to basically continue to encourage to hide away from the wide world as gay rights become more accepted in younger generations. Here is their mass email.

Combatting Redefinition of Marriage
Considerable Progress Made in 2009

Last January, a small band of CCG volunteer leaders (co-chairs), fresh from the hard-fought but victorious Prop. 8 Campaign, gathered in Berkeley to answer the most important question, “What's next?”

These leaders recognize that same-sex “marriage” is merely a symptom of a much larger problem impacting children in every family—the deconstruction of the reality of marriage and the family. It became evident that the greatest challenges are:
inoculating our children and grandchildren against the cultural influences negatively affecting their understanding of marriage for their futures; rebuilding a marriage culture in a positive way that protects them and marriage supporters from attacks and persecution; building a network of marriage supporters to counter the sense of isolation many are feeling and to provide opportunities for mutual support.

Throughout 2009, we have seen the definition of traditional marriage restored in Maine, a legislative defeat for same-sex “marriage” in NY, and most likely the same result in New Jersey. While significant achievements, these victories, and the victory with Prop. 8, only slowed the effort to redefine marriage and family. They did nothing to reverse the trend to re-define marriage, that is having such a great impact on young people today.

Almost everyone can recite the arguments of our opponents. That is because of a massive national training effort that has been going on for the last several decades. The Gay-Straight Alliance Network claims that they recently trained over 5,000 high school students in California alone. Now thousands of people sympathetic to the "gay rights" agenda use these arguments and tactics effectively every day in schools, government agencies, board rooms, and in the media to influence policies that undermine marriage and family. People on our side struggle for ways to talk about the importance of traditional marriage and explain it in ways that their children can repeat without being attacked.

Our meeting in Berkeley set in motion a comprehensive formation and training program as part of Catholics for the Common Good Institute's (CCGI) Stand with Children project, to train leaders to promote the centrality and integrity of marriage for children and society. Participants learn new strategies and tactics, but most importantly they learn the underlying truths about marriage and family in a way that transforms. Already 250 people are involved in this program, but in order to reverse the trend of the last forty years thousands must be trained and our leadership and volunteer network must be rapidly expanded.

As you can see in the bolded text, the long term white flag is being flown. You cannot keep future generations kept away from the real world. They will think for themselves as they grow older. Greater acceptance and change is coming within the next one to two decades.

I have linked before about if some brave Californians want to sit in on their "training sessions" to help overturn Prop 8 (and other states) in the future. It is still an good idea for the long term.
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GodlessBiker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-16-09 04:18 PM
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1. I can just see the geocentric crowd making similar claims against heliocentrism 500 years ago.
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NMMNG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-16-09 07:51 PM
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2. Maybe they need a cone of ignorance
(Like the Cone of Silence, except it keeps out independent and heretical thoughts) That will really keep those kids sheltered from reality and progress.

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