You are not going to play the "Whose Persecution Is Worse?" game by comparing incestuous (yes, incestuous) relationships to LGBT relationships. Never mind that's what the radical Anti-Gays do with their "slippery slope" right into the adult-child marriage bullshit, and the man-on-dog bestiality bullshit. That's not the point. The point is this:
As long as their marriages are "man-woman" and legal in the state in which they were married, those marriages will be recognized in every other state in the union, as well as by the federal government.
If your friends are dealing with shame, guilt, family ostracization, or what-the-fuck-ever, that's their only real problem -- which is a constructed illusion they can deal with (i.e., get a shrink) or not as they like -- but they are still, and always will be, higher on the legal totem pole than we lowly queers. Nobody is going to take their marriages away because of The Ick Factor -- as long as they are legal, man-woman pairings.
Cousins want to marry each other? Great. Fine. Have at it. The repercussions of "coming out" as wanting to marry your cousin are no greater than those of coming out as LGBT -- but married cousins have their fucking legal rights that cannot be taken away.
It's no paint off my fender, this cousin-marriage business. But they have the legal right to marry in, IIRC, some 25 states, most of those without any conditions (e.g., infertility, genetic counseling) whatsoever.
So fuck this pity party for married cousins. They may have to deal with the same sort of shit we do -- coming out, being disowned, whatever -- but they have the legal right to marry in fully half the United States.
And I'll tell you what else: Man-woman cousins can "pass" as un-related. They don't have to tell anyone they're cousins. We same-sex couples cannot. Is that fair of me? Doesn't that reek of hypocrisy? Yeah, so what? So the fuck what?