Published: January 3, 2010
KAMPALA, Uganda — Last March, three American evangelical Christians, whose teachings about “curing” homosexuals have been widely discredited in the United States, arrived here in Uganda’s capital to give a series of talks.
The theme of the event, according to Stephen Langa, its Ugandan organizer, was “the gay agenda — that whole hidden and dark agenda” — and the threat homosexuals posed to Bible-based values and the traditional African family.
For three days, according to participants and audio recordings, thousands of Ugandans, including police officers, teachers and national politicians, listened raptly to the Americans, who were presented as experts on homosexuality. The visitors discussed how to make gay people straight, how gay men often sodomized teenage boys and how “the gay movement is an evil institution” whose goal is “to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity.”
Now the three Americans are finding themselves on the defensive, saying they had no intention of helping stoke the kind of anger that could lead to what came next: a bill to impose a death sentence for homosexual behavior.
Complete story at the
New York Times.
If you read the article, you'll see that one of these American evangelicals now says he feels "duped" by the Ugandans(!). What an asshole. I've been fascinated as this story develops, morphing from a great moment in Christian culture to international condemnation. Even Rick Warren is trying to cover his sorry ass while continuing to fleece the flocks ($900,000 at last count). Anyhoo, for those of us who watch the American evangelical movement -- this has been far more than simply informative, it affirms every ounce of contempt I have for these moralistic holier-than-thou types.