R.I. lawmakers override governor's vetoes
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - On their first day back at work, Rhode Island lawmakers overrode Governor Carcieri's vetoes of bills to grant funeral decision-making rights to same-sex couples, strip the governor of his power to fill U.S. Senate vacancies, institute a new $7 recreational saltwater fishing license -- and many more.
The House -- and then the Senate -- voted to override Republican Carcieri's veto of a bill giving domestic partners the right to claim the bodies of -- and make funeral arrangements for -- their loved ones.
The House vote was 67 to 3 and the Senate vote was 29 to 3.
The only one of dueling defense-of-marriage, same-sex marriage and gay-rights bills introduced in Rhode Island last year that cleared the General Assembly, the legislation was an outgrowth of the personal tale that Mark S. Goldberg told lawmakers about his months-long battle last fall to persuade state authorities to release to him for cremation the body of his partner of 17 years, Ron Hanby.
http://newsblog.projo.com/2010/01/lawmakers-over-ride-governors.htmlThis news is a couple days old, but I didn't see it posted in the GLBT forum. I posted this article as a reply in another thread, but I thought it was deserving of its own OP.
This is very good news, and a very commendable action on the part of the Rhode Island legislature. Gov. Carcieri's veto of this bill was unconscionable.