Moments ago the Hawaii State Senate passed the civil unions bill 18-7. Here’s a recap of how it all went down:
Senate President Colleen Hanabusa just gaveled the session to order and we had our opening prayer. Now the Secretary of the Senate is calling roll and it looks like all Senators except one are present and accounted for.
Once the Senate finishes with announcements and introductions, we’re on to the business of the day. Currently the Senators are introducing their interns from around the world who have come to Hawaii to learn about our system of government. One of the greatest things about the Aloha State is its vast diversity and this exercise certainly shows that off.
The Chair just gaveled the Senate back into session to discuss the final vote on HB 444. After asking for any discussion three times, only Sen. Sam Slom – the darling of the opposition – took to the mic and proceeded to misrepresent the fight over Civil Unions as he always does. His argument — as is the argument of the entire opposition — is to marriage. They just don’t seem to understand that this legislation is about equal treatment under the law and not about religious marriage.
Sen. Ros Baker has just risen in support of the measure. Sen. Baker has been an ardent support of equality and one of our closest allies in this session. She is making an impassioned speech about civil rights and the importance for everyone to be treated equally. It’s amazing to witness the tone with which our opposing sides speak. Several other speakers have spoken for and against the bill.
Debate has ended and the Chair has called for a roll call vote. The final vote on the bill was announced to be 18-7. The bill passed! We're getting closer still!
:party: :grouphug: