GOP backs 'don't ask' advocateObama snub seen as issue
By Jennifer Harper
It was no mere broken lunch date to Family Research Council President Tony Perkins: His invitation to speak at a faith event on Andrews Air Force Base was abruptly rescinded last month because he does not agree that openly practicing gays should be allowed in the military.
Mr. Perkins claimed afterward he had effectively been "blacklisted" because of his opposition to dropping the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, and now some prominent congressional Republicans have come to his defense.
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor and Rep. Roy Blunt, Missouri Republican, said they worried that a "new litmus test" was created in the wake of the Air Force's decision to retract the long-standing invitation to Mr. Perkins - a former Marine and an ordained minister - to speak at a prayer luncheon because his views were "incompatible" with those of military personnel who answer to Mr. Obama.