Perez Hilton, during the pageant fallout, tweeted a lot of stars asking them if they supported gay marriage. Miley Cyrus responded by stating that she supported everyone’s right to love freely and openly. The result: a lot of hate mail. Miley had to shut down her twitter account entirely because of the backlash. We are thrilled with Miley’s decision to stand up for equal rights. And the fallout? Well, LGBT people around the world know that taking an unpopular position leads to retribution. As they said way back when: “You ain’t done nothin’ if you ain’t been called a red…”
Finally, gay prom goers have been getting a lot of attention in the news recently. But for a boy in Georgia, coming out and asking for the right to bring his boyfriend to the prom at his high school (out of district students must be granted permission to attend) has led to him being kicked out of his parent’s house. Watch him interviewed below. We send him lots of support and love during this difficult time! (Video at link)