Dr. Aubrey Levin, a Canadian psychiatrist who gained notoriety for claiming to “cure” homosexuality through shock treatments, has been charged with sexually abusing a male patient, and many other allegations are being investigated. Levin’s right wing views and membership in South Africa’s ruling National Party during apartheid are widely known, as well as his extreme homophobia.
South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission heard that Levin was guilty of “gross human rights abuses” including chemical castration of gay men. But after arriving in Canada in 1995 he managed to suppress public discussion of his past by threatening lawsuits against news organisations that attempted to explore it.
“Doctor Shock,” as he is known in South Africa, was secretly filmed by a patient and arrested after the recording was presented to authorities. He has been suspended from practicing medicine and is free on $50,000 bail on charges of repeatedly sexually assaulting his 36 year old patient. Police are investing at least 30 similar claims.
http://www.alan.com/2010/03/30/doc-who-used-shock-to-cure-gays-charged-with-sexually-abusing-male-patient/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+liberaland+%28Alan+Colmes+Liberaland%29Hat-tip to: