U.S. Rep. Barney Frank spoke about gay rights and the need for checks against Homeland Security policy at a benefit for the American Civil Liberties Union on Saturday night.
About 250 people from throughout Florida gathered in the Orlando Expo Centre to hear Frank discuss gay marriage and adoption in a state that ACLU leaders describe as a hostile political climate for gays.
Frank, a Democrat from Massachusetts, spoke first about the need for equality for gays trying to adopt. Florida is the only state that prohibits gay couples and gay individuals from adopting children, a policy he called as harsh on children as it is on gays.
"When you start restricting who can adopt children, you're only hurting the children," said Frank, one of the nation's first openly gay congressmen.
http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/orange/orl-barney1105sep11,0,4222082.story?coll=orl-home-headlinesGood ol' Barney! I can get frustrated with him at times for his assimiliationist thinking, but you gotta admire the guy.