Monday Watercooler: NOM blames gay media for its own bigots
Don’t blame us for your crazy. The people over at the National Organization for Marriage are not feeling love from the gay media. They think we wrongfully portray them as hateful bigots. For example: Larry Adams went to a recent rally and proudly held up a sign with two nooses—lynching being the only way to handle gay couples. As expected the poster, and Adams, made it all over the gay media last week. NOM says we queeny media types play unfair. “Gay marriage groups know that NOM does not advocate or condone violence and that we have already condemned the brief display of this sign. Despite this, they are sending emails to their supporters asking for money.” Fair critique, but last time I checked this Adams was one of theirs. If NOM can’t keep its own people on message, that’s not the problem of gay media outlets. Hey NOM? If you are listening, here are two pieces of advices: 1) if you don’t want to be seen as a hate group, check the signs and rhetoric coming from your peoples, and 2) enough with the line how anti- gay marriage demonstrators have been bullied. If marriage advocates did physically intimidate someone at a rally, let that person stand up and be interviewed. We would gladly do it.