Ensign Steve Crowston, a limited duty officer with Strike Fighter Squadron 136, filed a complaint with the naval inspector general, saying the call sign his squadron chose for him amounted to “workplace harassment.” Many call signs are tasteful, left, and are used in correspondence.Ensign cites harassment in call sign choiceBy Andrew Tilghman - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Aug 9, 2010 6:19:12 EDT
Ensign Steve Crowston thought getting his own call sign from his squadron mates would be a friendly induction into the tightly knit and testosterone-fueled culture of naval aviation.
But when the new admin officer walked into the ready room for Strike Fighter Squadron 136 in Virginia last year, he claims he found dozens of aviators — including the squadron’s commanding officer — openly mocking him as an alleged homosexual.
“Fagmeister” was one of the proposed call signs scrawled in the white erase board, he said.
“Gay boy” was another.
The squadron ultimately chose “Romo’s Bitch” — an apparent reference to his love for the Dallas Cowboys and their quarterback, Tony Romo.