all straight people would recoil in horror. Her entire philosophy boils down to: Men are perpetual little boys, incapable of acting like responsible adults, and need women, via marriage, to keep them in line -- and the way to do that is to treat one's husband like a baby. Literally.
Hugo Schwyzer put it:
"Gallagher wants a world where wives baby husbands like mothers baby sons (she uses the mothering image too often for it to be careless). Her contempt for women and men is staggering; for Gallagher, a man is apparently an eternal child and every woman is called, perhaps like Mary, to be long-suffering, maternal, and self-abnegating. (Since when did the Jesus-Mary relationship become the model for good marriages? That’s a perverse twisting of Ephesians 5 indeed, more perverse than even Freud could imagine!) For Gallagher, humiliation and degradation are feelings to be suppressed, denied, and overcome, while happiness itself — especially for women — is a 'dangerous temptation.'"
Having read some of her "academic" papers on the subject, I can confirm Schwyzer is spot-on in his assessment.
Gallagher doesn't strike me as one of the christofascists whose bigotry is stepped in religiosity; rather, I believe, her anti-gay crusade is a desperate attempt to fulfill some sick need in her own sorry life (mixed with the equally sick need to make others at least as unhappy as she); she only uses the christofascists to her own ends, like the parasite she is.