love him!!!!
The thing to know about Glee actor Chris Colfer is that he's not like his character, Kurt.
McKinley High's fashionable soprano is comfy both performing in 10-inch-high Lady Gaga heels and coaching the football team on how to put a ring on it. He's the group's lone, self-assured outcast, virtually free of self-pity and most content in Alexander McQueen.
Colfer says he, on the other hand, was more of a "social llama" in high school.
"Like, where does a llama go? It's not a horse. It's kind of a camel, but it's not a goat. It's just on the farm, and people point and gawk at it because it has funky hair. That's how I've always pictured myself," he says. "The llama tries to hang out with a duck and the duck freaks out and runs away. The cows are mean to it. That's what it was like for me."