A growing number of Republicans are breaking with the party's traditional stance to publicly state their support for same-sex marriage, a shift strategists say stems as much from demographics as from the renewed focus on economics and the "tea party" movement.
A solid majority of adults younger than 30 - about six in 10 - support the right of gay and lesbian couples to legally wed, according to a Washington Post poll in February.
But even many older Americans and self-identified social conservatives have changed their view on an issue that just six years ago galvanized voters in support of President George W. Bush's reelection.
Gay Republican activists credit the shift to the heightened attention within the GOP base to jobs and the economy, and by a desire among strategists to expand the party's appeal.
"Our nation is at a crossroads, and conservatives are trying to rally together to turn back the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda," said Chris Barron, chairman of GOProud, a gay Republican group. "That's why we've seen people like Glenn Beck saying, 'Look, same-sex marriage isn't hurting anybody.' Because he sees a need to create a broad-based conservative movement."
Also at play is the rise of the libertarian-leaning tea party movement. Many of the movement's leaders have said they oppose government intervention on marriage issues, while others say their concerns about taxation and the size of government supercede concerns over social issues.
In a letter to supporters this week, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, said Republicans who support same-sex marriage do it at their peril. The position "stands in direct opposition to the Party's platform, which is clear on the importance of marriage and family," he wrote. "The Party's unequivocal stand on life, marriage, and family is why many social conservatives have made the GOP their political home."
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http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/27/AR2010082705614_pf.htmlComments: Hmm, I don't recall any homophobic Tea Party signs (oh yeah do you know the slang definition of "Teabagging"?) And Perkins apparently does
NOT think that gays and lesbians value "life, marriage, and family" too just like straights.