Be Fabulous, Be Bold, Be Yourself at the Capitol!
This is a call to LGBT people from across the state to come to Sacramento on Friday Sept. 23 to be fabulous, be bold, and be yourself at the Capitol. On this day, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will receive AB 849, the Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act of 2005, which would grant us marriage equality in the State of California. The governor has announced that he will veto this legislation, and thus deny us the promise of "liberty and justice for all."
We are urging all LGBT people across the state, whether in a relationship or not, to come to the Capitol on Friday to show our faces to the world and to Governor Schwarzenegger! We will gather in a peaceful, non-violent way in the halls of the Capitol, especially around the governor's office. We will write notes to the governor asking him to repsect our families and not veto them. Let ourselves be seen so he and his staff have a clear idea of whose life he is affecting. So wear your Prada shoes, your vintage clothes, your leather jackets, your work clothes or your political t-shirts. Come to see and be seen. Come be fabulous, come be bold, come be yourself at the Capitol.
This event is 100% grassroots and has no organizational endorsement. There will be no rallies, and no demonstrations other than our presence in the halls of the Capitol. This is about the people for the people. So call in sick, get a vacation day, or whatever it takes. Just come be part of one of the most historic eras in the history of the United States. Come be personally responsible for your future.
Signs are not allowed within the Capitol, so if you would like to voice your message, put it on a T-shirt or wear buttons. Remember, this is about making ourselves seen, so the more of us that come the more successful it will be.
We will meet in front of the governor's office in the Capitol building on Friday Sept. 23, at 10:00 am, and hang around until 5 pm.
After the end of business hours, we will meet at the corner of 20th and K Streets where the gay bars The Depot and Faces are located to celebrate our efforts! The Capitol building is expected to be empty on Friday, so let's make sure we make that place as crowded as it can be.
We are counting on all of us to make this happen, and this includes you, so please forward this email and call five of your friends, coworkers or families, asking them to come.
See you in Sacramento!