In “King & King,” a children’s book by Linda de Haan and Stern Nijland, the young crown prince rejects several potential brides before finding the person he wants to marry: Prince Lee.
But while the two princes live happily ever after, the gay twist on the traditional fairytale rankled enough parents to put “King & King” in the top 10 list of most challenged books for 2004.
The American Library Association observes Banned Books Week, Sept. 24 to Oct. 1. As part of the 23-year-old celebration, each year the ALA releases a list of the most frequently challenged books of the previous year, often including classics like “Of Mice and Men” and “To Kill a Mockingbird.”
But this year, the ALA noted a prevalent theme to the top 10 most challenged books: Three were cited for “homosexual themes,” the highest number in the past decade.