Don't be in a position where you're able to make the lives of others miserable, even if you are. Don't make it the goal of your life to beat down those who are young and impressionable. Don't try to say that you dispense hate to prove your love. Don't hurt others just because you may have been hurt. Don't assume that we are all self-loathing because you've always been. Don't deny people the opportunity to be themselves when you're skulking in back rooms looking for a rent-boy to carry your luggage.
Just don't.
Leave people in peace, the way you want to be left alone.
If you cannot be honest with others, please have the dignity to be honest with yourself. The world may not thank you, but those who are coming to terms with who they are might do so one day.
Come out. Or don't. Make the right choice for you, but don't assume that you have the right to make that choice for everyone else.