Tea Party To GOProud: Fuck Off
Following up on last week's press release by GOProud in which they pleaded with the anti-gay candidates they endorsed to not be so anti-gay, a massive coalition of Tea Party groups has responded with an attacking letter sent to the GOP leaders of the Senate and House. Turns out, they are interested in "social issues," not that we ever doubted it.
Here's the preamble to the letter, written by Free Republic founder Jim Robinson.
Today, Tea Party Nation, along with over 180 other Tea Party Groups, Leaders and Activists released a letter to the Republican leadership on Capitol Hill. Last week, GOProud, a non-Tea Party group, sent a letter to Senator McConnell and Speaker to be Boehner, claiming to speak for the Tea Party movement. It was signed by 16 people. We decided to send a letter that speaks for the mainstream of the Tea Party movement. This letter is going Senator McConnell and Congressman Boehner today.
The letter goes on to oppose the repeal of DADT, oppose the DREAM Act, oppose immigration amnesty, etc etc. Nothing really new there, other than the Tea Party's explicit condemnation of GOProud as "not one of us."