Florida governor Rick Scott indicated Wednesday that he does not have any immediate plans to try to reinstate the ban on adoption by same-sex couples, which the courts struck down last year.
According to WCTV-TV, some advocates are nervous because Scott appointed David Wilkins, who is affiliated with a fundamentalist Christian organization, to head the state Deparmtent of Children and Families. The agency stopped enforcing the draconian ban last year after an appeals court upheld a decision from a Miami judge overturning the law.
In remarks to reporters, Scott, who believes married couples should adopt, said that he, and not the agency head, would make the decision. A spokesman added that the Republican governor planned to enforce the law, not his personal beliefs. Same-sex couples cannot marry in Florida.
Moreover, WCTV-TV reports that it remains unclear how the administration could change the new policy, now that the timeline for appealing the legal decision has passed.