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Max Adler Says Performing Lady Gaga on "Glee" Would "Blow My Mind"

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davidinalameda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-11 11:54 AM
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Max Adler Says Performing Lady Gaga on "Glee" Would "Blow My Mind"
It should come as no surprise that Max Adler, who plays the closeted, self-hating Dave Karofsky on Glee, is nothing like his character. But so convincing is Adler's performance, that upon having the chance to interview him at the Fox Television Critics Association Party in Los Angeles last week (the same party attended by Darren Criss), my first instinct was to hide my green-colored cocktail lest Adler suddenly decide to hurl it in my face.

Fortunately, that wasn't necessary. Of course, Adler physically resembles Karofsky, although he's much more handsome in person, probably because he's not continuously scowling. But Adler's demeanor couldn't be any more different than the bully he plays. He's polite, self-effacing, charming and confident without any of Karofsky's arrogance or bluster.

It also turns out Adler can sing, which just might come into play when a certain, yet-to-be released song by Lady Gaga is performed on an upcoming episode of the hit Fox dramedy.
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Bluenorthwest Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-11 12:51 PM
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1. Max gives a terrific performance
He is great, and I am glad to see some attention to the fact that he's acting, and acting well. In a garden of fabulous flowers, it is more difficult to play the weed. He has a challenging role, and he meets the challenge admirably.
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Cheap_Trick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-11 01:28 PM
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2. I kind of feel sorry for Karofsky.
You know he must be scared shitless of his fellow football players finding out. Look how they treat Finn just for being in the glee club. I saw an interview with Max and was surprised by how completely different he was from his character. As The Master Thespian would say "AAAAAACTING!"
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beyurslf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-11 08:49 PM
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3. I have been having Glee withdrawals I think. The superbowl cannot get her fast enough.
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FuzzyDicePHL Donating Member (698 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-11 08:32 AM
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4. He did an "It Gets Better" vid, too

One of the only reasons I watch Glee is because I'm waiting for his character to develop through the story.
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