Christian Terrorists" in the
United States feeding their brand of hate, and accepted terrorist maneuvers to other countries......
Nah.... getting them to post the photos, home addresses, along with a headline that read "Hang Them"
http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/01/27/uganda-promptly-investigate-killing-prominent-lgbt-activist">read here had nothing to do with inciting violence against these Gays...
of fucking course not. Didn't a GOP'er say the little rhyme "Sticks and Stones" after the AZ shooting? That "words" were no big deal..... Then went further to say it's was the victims fault for not having security.
These hate filled sewer dwellers are able to say what ever they want in the United States with
total immunity... and then they are able to export that "governmental gift" to other countries where they can accomplish with their words what they would like to do at home.... then they are able to say with a wink and a nod... their words didn't have anything to do the current environment... IT WAS A RANDOM ACT OF VIOLENCE...... then they run off with their friends to chortle about the success of their campaign.
..... and anyone that thinks this new wave (memo note: the Inquisition) of violence by Christian Terrorists won't effect them better think again. A video for the general population that clearly points out, if you don't consume and regurgitate their fanatical brand of Christianity... you don't matter either.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miULdI-qocg&feature=player_embedded">Answers in Genesis
Where are the decent people in the public eye who should speaking out against this?
Cue The Fucking Crickets........