Has anyone seen this petition? I apologize if it has been posted before. But I felt it important enough to take that chance. I was going to post it in GD, which is my usual go-to forum, but worry that it may sink too quickly there. Be my guest though, if anyone would like to re-post it either there, FB or wherever. But please sign. There are already plenty of sig's but the more the better imo. Very simple process.
Though I am not a member of the GLBT community, I consider it appalling that this so called 'clinic' is receiving taxpayer money. If Teabaggers and their ilk can attack Planned Parenthood funding, then they should consider any of their sacred cows fair game too. Especially something as f'n outrageous as this.
Here is an except from the petition site and Link is below. Thanks in advance...
So-called gay conversion therapy has been denounced by the scientific and medical communities as ineffective, and potentially dangerous.
But an investigation earlier this month exposed that this hateful practice is used by the "quality Christian counseling clinic" owned by Michele Bachmann and her husband1 -- a clinic which was recently discovered to have received over $137,000 in federal Medicaid funds, in addition to $24,000 in other state and federal funds. The petition reads:
"Public money shouldn't fund a discriminatory, hateful religious agenda and medically-unsound ex-gay therapy. In light of recent investigations, please take action to immediately stop funding Bachmann and Associates." http://act.credoaction.com/campaign/bachmann_clinic/