These are "Christian Terrorists" rubbing each others back.......
Anyone who assumes that these are just a few lone nuts in the wilderness, do so at their own peril.....
Think about it.... where are they getting their money to travel all over the World to spread their vicious hate?
These Christian Terrorists are well funded, well armed, and not afraid to do anything to get their way......
So don't call them "haters", as they are
Christian Terrorists (a duck is a duck, and a cigar is a cigar) who would end your life promptly if they thought no one was looking.....
They operate in clear view of local, and national law enforcement... not to mention under the nose of local, and national politicians, in which both groups give them a "wink and a nod"... if they didn't, they couldn't exist....
Here is a good read for anyone that doubts that "Christian Terrorists" have "
special rights" in the United States... BUT WAIT FELLOW QUEERS!
Here is the newest craze among the church set to make criminals walk the straight and narrow.... only to match " Christian Gay Preparative Therapy" you just ignore these Christian Terrorists, like they are some lunatic that will get tired, and just go away?
You better rethink that strategy, as your very life depends it!
Some will hate you publicly... while others smile, and hate you privately..... but never confuse the fact, that both groups despise you with equal intensity....