Thomas Jane, 42, returns Sunday night for the third season of the HBO dramedy "Hung." He stars as Ray Drecker, a struggling high school teacher and coach who deals with Detroit's crumbling economy by branching out into prostitution.
What's coming up this season for Ray?
When we started the show we got a lot of play out of the fact that the economy had gone into the
. Our story was about people trying to make ends meet in unconventional ways. Now by Season 3, the economy is still in the , and the prospect is a bit depressing. So the creators — Dmitry and Colette and HBO — wanted to take the show into a funnier, faster-paced, sexier place. I want to turn on the TV and forget about the world's problems for a minute.
So we've got Ray having been fired from his teaching job. He's going into ho-ing full-time. Him and Tanya have started a business — the Happiness Consultant business is doing really well when we open Season 3. Ray's fixed up his house. He's got a new sports car. He's wearing new suits. He's shaving. I'm in better shape because I'm taking the ho-ing job seriously. It really is paying the bills, and the fact that we're doing quite well with it is really fun and refreshing.
In the first two seasons, Ray has strictly female clients only. So whose policy was that — yours or Ray's or both of yours?
Honestly, an actor is not going to tell HBO what to do or dictate the tenets of the role, although there is some wiggle room there. They like to think they can tell you what to do, but really, sorry, I'm the guy that has to come out of my trailer to perform the feat. I've always said that the year that Ray ends up with a penis in his mouth is the last year of the show. And I've said it jokingly. The comment functions on a couple of different levels. There's the idea that Ray is a very heterosexual, corn-fed, red-blooded American, so I'm not comfortable with the definitions of sex that are outside of the heterosexual man-on-top, female-on-the-bottom definition.,0,2768723.story
I'm torn on what I think about this article.