Whoever was "the voice" for the survey had a Southern accent. Which I don't hear much any more, as I live in Northern California.
The first question presented was the issue of whether I felt that it was a good thing to expose and educate children "as young as kindergartners" to discussions of various lifestyle choices and different sexual preferences.
It was obvious that the question was framed to make a person being surveyed feel as abhorrent on the issue as possible.
I choose to say even young children should learn about sexual preferences and different life styles.
Then the survey wanted to know how I felt about people "other than a man and a woman" having the right to marry.
I said that I felt that men probably shouldn't be allowed to marry, as I have lived with the same man for 22 years, and he isn't able to listen very often, and marriage requires good listening skills. Admittedly, this answer came from spending far too much time over this past weekend with my close girl friends, with all of us us pondering the evidence that men simply aren't able to listen. (or at least, most straight men aren't.)
Both the spouse and I have been chuckling over how the Southern group that put together this survey will react when hearing my answers. Whether some demented form of the KKK will show up after driving here from Sacramento remains to be seen.
You'd think that people had something better to do than bother with surveying people about this issue. The tide has turned, and especially in California, people of every sexual preference will be marrying one another, especially since real surveys show that the up and coming generations are much more tolerant than their elders are.
(I personally thin that the Prop Eight results were the result of tainted voting equipment, programmed to come up with the answer that the "Christian" Right, which ain't Christian and ain't right, managed to finagle.