The episode which aired October 12,2011 dealt with cyber bullying, Harry (Kathy Bates) defends Sela (Sarah Steele), a high school teen who outed lesbian classmate Hannah via her blog Sela is charged with negligent homicide after Hannah commits suicide.
Camryn Manheim guest stars as ADA Kim Mendelsohn, who refuses to reduce the charge; the DA wants to make a statement about the seriousness of gay bashing and cyber bullying. Harry's defense is that Hannah's suicide was driven by homophobia in society, not Sela's blog.
Yes I know this is only a television show (but it’s one with a national audience), cyber bullying has become a big problem today & from what I gathered from the show (I have watched it three times) is that it’s ok to cyber bully because the blogger's opinion also reflects her world's opinion — being LGBT still is a target for hate and discrimination. Well guess what we have to start somewhere, lets start with individuals like Sela.
It’s safe to assume that I did not like this episode to the point I will not watch the show again, I am very disappointed in Kathy Bates for being part of this show I am also disappointed in NBC for airing the show.
I very well could be in a small group that took this show the wrong way, but to have a court case involving cyber bullying in this day where the defendant is guilty & to get off with no ramifications is just wrong.