In what is hailed as the largest gay history project of its kind in the nation, 30 U.S. publications serving lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people will celebrate October as Gay History Month by presenting "We are America: How members of the LGBT community helped create the U.S.A."
This groundbreaking month-long series will provide compelling evidence that our Founding Fathers not only welcomed LGBT people to helped create this country, but without the contributions made by LGBT people, American history might have turned out quite differently.
"Throughout our nation's 235-year history, historians have kept LGBT people and issues in the closet," Project coordinator and Philadelphia Gay News publisher Mark Segal asserts, "We intend to break that closet door down forever."
Among the upcoming news features, are these captivating findings:
Benjamin Franklin was the first U.S. military recruiter to enlist a gay man into America's revolutionary ranks.
George Washington, in all probability, was the first American leader to offer domestic partner support for a same-sex couple. During the winter hardships at Valley Forge, General Washington made sure that a same-sex couple had access to housing when it was at its greatest premium. And when faced with a potential homosexual scandal at Valley Forge, he chose a more merciful course at that vulnerable time and embarrassed the officer accused of sodomy rather than imposing the death sentence as Thomas Jefferson demanded.