First of all, thanks for all the advice.
I think I mentioned in some responses that the crazy cat lady did call the police, and someone came by when I wasn't around. Then crazy cat lady called and left a threatening message saying the police told her it was a civil matter and she was going to get the form she signed when she brought him to the clinic (actually she didn't bring him to the clinic, someone else did) and prove the kitten is hers. First, the police. I was hoping they'd come by again so I could speak to them about her being crazy. My boss is a lawyer and said they came once simply because they respond to everything, and since they decided it was a civil matter, they're done with it. I work with a lady whose ex-husband is president of the police union and she confirmed that. She said if she keeps calling and even comes over, I should contact the police about her then. As for the form, the form states on top that the cat being brought in is UNOWNED AND FERAL (their caps, not mine) and will be released back into the colony. So, getting that form only proves she doesn't own the cat, and all she ever did was take it in a cage from the woman who found it, hand it over to someone else who took it to the clinic, and then 5 days later drove the kitten, still in the cage, to me. She never picked it up, touched it, it never has been in in her home, and she's never even fed it. She has no claim, so I'm safe, but she is crazy so I'm sure this isn't over. One threat was calling my HOA, which I bet she does. I'm sure she's contacted the rescue agency we both belong to, but by doing so she's gotten herself into trouble because she said she wouldn't keep the cat or try to get it adopted, which she did. I'm in trouble, too, but I won't bring it up even if someone else does. Besides, the kitten was already somewhat socialized, so her getting it to the clinic is a no-no to begin with. I contacted Animal Control about her since she has 5 cats and 3 is the county limit, so she's in violation of that. I did it mainly to show her if she wants to play rough, so can I. She did not call at all yesterday and I have heard nothing else from anyone about this.
Well, getting kind of long. Ashley's driving my other cats crazy, but is still very sweet and loving. I've had him a week and it's noticeable he's growing...I'll take more photos tonight. Oh,a nd I'm calling him Ashley because I havea Gone With The Wind theme going, Melanie, Scarlet and Belle, and now Ashley, for Ashley Wilkes, which was a boy's name way back when...I should shorten it to Ash since Ashley now is a common girl's name. Thanks. :hi: