Edited on Thu Nov-03-11 07:00 PM by Zorra
It was written in pissed off stream of consciousness response to a heinous anti-gay ad from the pastor of a local Church of Christ. I don't want to post the ad because of it's disgusting content. (I'm pleased to tell you that this letter caused many heads to explode).
Dear Editor,
I am GLBT, not necessarily in that order, and I thought that the ad you ran by the hate mongering right wing pseudo-christian bigots was a silly, hypocritical, and ironic self-indicting statement of total unbelief in the teachings of Jesus Christ. No one that even halfway understands the teachings of Jesus Christ would ever even think such drivel. In fact, as far as I am aware, there is no written record of Jesus Christ mentioning homosexuality or transsexuality anywhere, and all bigotry toward GLBT folks is the direct result of a very few obscure verses in the Christian Bible. These verses apparently stem from an ancient Hebrew text called Leviticus. The textt of Leviticus also mentions that shellfish and eating shellfish are an abomination
"But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are an abomination to you." (Leviticus 11:10)
"They (shellfish) shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat their flesh, but you shall regard their carcasses as an abomination." (Leviticus 11:11)
Also, in Leviticus, it states that is forbidden to grant or receive loans.
So, why are these bigots not out condemning seafood eaters and restaurants. Or, come to think of it, why are they not supporting the widespread Occupy Wall Street protests stating their case against banks that charge interest?
The answer is simple: These right wing bigots subjectively select certain bible verses to make a federal case out of in order to justify hating, persecuting, and oppressing people that are different from them. They select verses that they want to believe, and ignore others as so much silly tripe.
When I was reading the Bible, it seemed to me that Jesus Christ is mostly all about Love. Yet, there seemed to be no aspect of Love whatsoever in the ad. The content of the ad seemed quite the opposite, and this is readily apparent to any reasonable person. I think it would be difficult to go through life like that, not being able to distinguish Love from the much less admirable alternative(s).
It seems so very sad to me, that there is so much hatred arising from the confusion and intolerance that stems from so many of the misunderstood spiritual teachings that exist in our world. It appears to me that these spiritual teachings are very often twisted by RW extremist idealogues in order to be used as divinely sanctioned justification for their own petty hatred arising form the inability to tolerate difference in others that are innocent of the misplaced and unreasonable condemnations and violent aggression towards those they cannot understand and therefore disapprove of. Politically motivated right wing christianists and right wing islamists seem to generally share this unfortunate attribute.
As a card carrying member of the ACLU, I believe I understand why you printed the ad in the name of free speech. Very often, the truly conscionable folks who are in a position of public trust will go overboard, out of the most honorable and sincere desire to be fair, in allowing something totally opposite their own deeply held beliefs to be expressed in the name of free speech. I understand and empathize with how you agonized over printing the ad,
I sincerely wish that there were many more journalists like you out there, journalists that try to be overly fair in the name of journalistic integrity and objectivity despite their own deep subjective biases. It's very rare in this day and age of so much media that is subjectively controlled by wealthy private interests for their own benefit at the expense of free speech and democracy.
Personally, as someone that was born profoundly lgbt, I welcome such blatant self-exposes of ignorance and hypocrisy, and will continue to welcome them until they are at last eliminated from our society, due to all people of reason and conscience becoming aware their intrinsic self-condemning ignorant and utterly distasteful content.
The disingenuous words of fools can't hurt me, and I would like, thanks to you allowing me to express my opinions freely here, share the credo of this immunity with everyone, young and old alike:
Bigotry based on misunderstood spiritual teachings stems from ignorance. Bigotry based on misunderstood spiritual teachings has caused unwarranted suffering and death to uncountable millions of completely innocent people throughout human history
The ad that was run in your paper by the bigots was just another continuation of the ignorance, intolerance, and hatred that has already caused so much suffering.
It is time to put an end to their bullying once and for all.
Thank you so much, Madame Editor, for allowing me to express my opinion in the name of free speech, and for fomenting a discussion regarding these very critical and currently relevant issues, and this widespread group of politically motivated pseudo-christian bigots as well, a group that has directly caused me so much pain -physical, emotional, mental, social, and psychological pain- throughout my life, and who have been directly responsible for me being considered as a less than equal human being as I write this.
Let's stop the bullying once and for all.