The Members of the House of Representatives participating as
amici include:
Nancy Pelosi, Steny H. Hoyer, James E. Clyburn, Jerrold Nadler, John Conyers, Jr.,Barney Frank, Tammy Baldwin, Jared Polis, David N. Cicilline, Gary L. Ackerman, Janice Hahn, John W. Olver, Robert E. Andrews, Colleen W. Hanabusa, William L. Owens, Karen Bass, Alcee L. Hastings, Frank Pallone, Jr., Xavier Becerra, Martin Heinrich, Ed Pastor, Shelley Berkley, Brian Higgins, Donald M. Payne, Howard L. Berman, James A. Himes, Gary C. Peters, Timothy H. Bishop, Maurice D. Hinchey, Chellie Pingree, Earl Blumenauer, Mazie K. Hirono, David E. Price, Robert A. Brady, Kathy Hochul, Mike Quigley, Bruce L. Braley, Rush D. Holt, Charles B. Rangel, Lois Capps, Michael M. Honda, Laura Richardson, Michael E. Capuano, Jay Inslee, Steven R. Rothman, André Carson, Steve Israel, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Judy Chu, Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Bobby L. Rush, Hansen Clarke, Sheila Jackson Lee, Tim Ryan, Yvette D. Clarke, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Linda T. Sánchez, Wm. Lacy Clay, Henry C. “Hank” Johnson, Jr., Loretta Sanchez, Emanuel Cleaver, William R. Keating, John P. Sarbanes, Steve Cohen, Dennis J. Kucinich, Janice D. Schakowsky, Gerald E. Connolly, John B. Larson, Adam B. Schiff, Joe Courtney, Barbara Lee, Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, Joseph Crowley, Sander M. Levin, José E. Serrano, Danny K. Davis, John Lewis, Brad Sherman, Susan A. Davis, Zoe Lofgren, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Diana DeGette, Nita M. Lowey, Adam Smith, Rosa L. DeLauro, Carolyn B. Maloney, Jackie Speier, Theodore E. Deutch Edward, J. Markey Fortney, Pete Stark, Lloyd Doggett, Doris O. Matsui, Mike Thompson, Michael F. Doyle, Carolyn McCarthy, John F. Tierney, Donna F. Edwards, Betty McCollum, Paul Tonko, Keith Ellison, Jim McDermott, Edolphus Towns, Eliot L. Engel, James P. McGovern, Niki Tsongas, Anna G. Eshoo, Jerry McNerney, Chris Van Hollen, Sam Farr, Gregory W. Meeks, Nydia M. Velázquez, Chaka Fattah, Brad Miller, Timothy J. Walz, Bob Filner, George Miller, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Marcia L. Fudge, Gwen Moore, Maxine Waters, John Garamendi, James P. Moran, Henry A. Waxman, Charles A. Gonzalez, Christopher S. Murphy, Peter Welch, Raúl M. Grijalva, Grace F. Napolitano, Lynn C. Woolsey, Luis V. Gutierrez, Richard E. Neal, John A. Yarmuth, Eleanor Holmes Norton (
Those who have
Among those Democrats signing onto the amicus curiae, 14 members — including Hoyer — voted for the bill’s passage in 1996. Reps. Jim Clyburn, Robert Andrews, Earl Blumenauer, Rosa DeLauro, Loyld Doggett, Michael Doyle, Bob Filner, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Sander Levin, Nita Lowey, Richard Neal, Ed Pastor and Bobby Rush also supported DOMA in 1996. Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee voted present.Read more: