from the
Georgia VoiceA lesbian activist in New York is trying to unite LGBT members of Occupy Wall Street protests across the country to highlight the economic issues gay and transgender people face for simply being who they are.
Jessica Naomi, 60, from Catskills, N.Y., started the Occupy Equality movement, an Internet gathering of LGBT activists involved in the nationwide OWS protests, a month ago and has held several working group meetings online.
“We’re trying to connect the street to the net,” Naomi said in a phone interview. “We’re using it as a way to do direct action.”
Naomi said a disability makes it difficult for her to walk and attend OWS protests, which is why she turned to the Internet for a way to become involved.
The theme of the Occupy Wall Street movement is largely centered on financial inequality, excessive CEO pay and malicious banking practices, but Naomi said LGBT issues should be a core principal of the OWS movement, as well.
“How do we get the ‘Occupy’ allies involved in LGBT marches and protests?” Noami said. “Children that are being forced out of schools because of bullying are being robbed of their futures. It isn’t a separate issue. We’re being as foreclosed on just as everybody else. We’re being fired for being who we are. It’s not hard to make that leap.”">Click Here To Read More