November 29
November 29, 1628 - John Felton, murderer of George Villiers (King James I's lover) was hanged.
November 29, 1834 - John Mead of Australia was executed for an "unnatural crime," most likely sodomy.
November 29, 1933 - Adolf Brand, who began publishing one of the earliest gay publications in Berlin, wrote a letter to his supporters saying he was unable to continue. Nazi raids and seizures had left him financially ruined.
November 29, 1979 - A Quebec Superior Court judge rules that the Montreal Catholic School Commission did not have justifiable grounds to refuse to rent space to gay rights group ADGQ and therefore was not exempt from the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. The ruling overturns the province's human rights commission's second opinion in 1978 and becomes the first legal victory against discrimination since adoption of the gay rights clause in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the Constitution in December 1977.
November 29, 1984 - Less than a month after being established as a city, West Hollywood approved a gay rights ordinance.