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The right wing are not going to stop with us in their jihad

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Brian_Expat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 12:20 PM
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The right wing are not going to stop with us in their jihad
Check out this scary rant:

But the ad’s message also was that interracial sex is normal and legitimate, a fairly radical concept for both the dominant media as well as its audience.

Nevertheless, for decades, interracial couples of different sexes have been sneaked into advertising, movies and television series, and almost certainly not because of popular demand from either race. The Owens-Sheridan match is only the most notorious to date.

In the minds of those who produced the ad, race is at least as important as the moral and aesthetic norms their ad subverts.

To them, the race as well as the religion, the morality, and the culture of the host society are all equally hostile and oppressive forces that need to be discredited, debunked and destroyed.

If the destruction can’t happen at the polls or through the courts, they can always use the long march through the culture that control of the mass media allows.

Breaking down the sexual barriers between the races is a major weapon of cultural destruction because it means the dissolution of the cultural boundaries that define breeding and the family and, ultimately, the transmission and survival of the culture itself.

. . . snip. . .

Re-electing President Bush and voting against homosexual marriage are well and good, but they won’t defeat the real enemy in the moral, cultural and racial war that the likes of Mr. Mandel and Mr. Eisner are waging.

Attention black community (including black churches who have been cuddling up to the right wing over gay stuff): when they're finished with us (including black gays), you who (in their words) threaten "the survival of the culture itself" are next.

That's the same EXACT language they used about us when they started their jihad. Now the crosshairs are moving ever so slowly towards you.

We must hang together or we shall surely hang separately.
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villager Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 12:22 PM
Response to Original message
1. sounds like they're coming for the Jews (again), too
...these Nazi white supremacists never, ever, change....
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Brian_Expat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 12:23 PM
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2. And the comments following this syndicated article?
Scary shit.

It's just plain evil on the part of the liberal media to force interracial relationships or black people on an unwilling public.

. . . snip. . .

I know one thing, if Nicolette Sheridan ever files a rape charge against a black football-player or any other non-white sports star, I would have a hard time convicting anyone after seeing her behavior on national TV.

. . . snip. . .

Eisner and Mandel, is this another case of our Jewish friends shoveling some, you know what, on Christians? An attractive white Christian woman, gold cross around her neck, engages in immoral behavior with a black man. How come we never see funny, witty, cogent satirical, arty vignettes like: Black man approaches young girl with Star of David and Israeli Flag on her blouse. “Say baby, let me do you down and dirty.” Girl throwing off her blouse and bra, “Alright big boy. But let’s do it Holocaust style, since the men of my race are so wimpy.”

These are the people who voted for Bush and the anti-gay marriage stuff.
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Brian_Expat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 12:26 PM
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3. One more thing. . .
. . . this guy has a syndicated column apparently, which is carried in a variety of magazines and newspapers including the FrontPage magazine run by David Whore-o-witless.
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booley Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:10 PM
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4. that's funny...
"But the ad’s message also was that interracial sex is normal and legitimate, a fairly radical concept for both the dominant media as well as its audience. "

I live in Missouri and interacial marriage isn't radical or unusual at all. it's no that we don't have tonnes of racists but we also have lots of interacial dating too. even in the boonies.

Still, this does make me cringe and laugh at th esame time since I am currently argueing with a black conservative who's going on about the "inherent racism of liberalism"
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frictionlessO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 12:59 PM
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5. well bigots go after everyone not like them, and honestly isnt this
the same ol' appeals to the base? I mean do you think our own homegrown terror groups (i.e. kkk, aryan nation, army of god) voted for Kerry?

I think pagans are next on the hit list.
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Brian_Expat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 03:19 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Actually, you make an excellent point
They hate so many different groups that they're itching to get them all at once. That will be perhaps their fatal error -- going after blacks, gays, Jews, pagans and atheists all at once rather than one by one.
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FaerieWizard Donating Member (19 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 07:03 AM
Response to Reply #5
7. Pagans definitely
Because if the religious right gets prayer back into school, Sweet Miss Suzy the Wiccan might actually be able to lead her class in a Satanic Prayer!

(Snide note: yes I know Wicca isn't about Satan, but tell that to the Christian Right)

~The FaerieWizard
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GrrrlRomeo Donating Member (38 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 07:12 AM
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8. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
One of my Mom's favorite movies. I see we've come so far since the 60s. Have these people been living under a rock for the last 40 years? Could they please go back now?
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