Minneapolis Paper Refuses Gay Pride Ad, Draws Discrimination Complaint
NEW YORK The Star Tribune in Minneapolis is being accused of discrimination by organizers of that city's annual gay-pride celebration, after the newspaper refused to run an ad for the June 2005 event that shows two men kissing.
GLBT Pride/Twin Cities, the organizers of the Twin Cities' annual Gay Pride event, today filed a discrimination complaint against the Star Tribune with the Minneapolis Commission on Civil Rights, according to the paper.
The gay-pride group said in a statement that it had been unable to resolve the issue with the newspaper's management and that it had "no choice but to file a discrimination complaint ... to force the business and policymakers at the Star Tribune to account for its actions," the Star Tribune reported.
"We stand by our decision not to run the ad as submitted, and we disagree with GLBT on the appropriateness of the ad," Star Tribune spokesman Ben Taylor said. "We are disappointed that GLBT would take this action after we have partnered with them, sponsored their events and supported their core principles for many years."
Minneapolis Paper Refuses Gay Pride Ad, Draws Discrimination Complaint