A former client of Exodus International today described the group as a an "ex-gay" Hotel California: You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. In a letter written to me in response this week's column, the man described his frustration with getting the ex-gay group to stop harassing him.
Mr. Besen,
As a former member of Exodus I felt a need to respond to your newsletter. I recommend just for kicks you or someone you know try to join Exodus, then try and leave, good luck with that. It just doesn't happen.
I have tried to terminate all contact with Exodus for over 3 years now. The newslestters that come more than twice a week sometimes and the more than daily phone calls persist. They persisted to he point where I had to change my number. There is no doubt in my mind that if I were closer to their personal grasp they would be at my door also.
It has been my experience those who try to become "ex-gay" stop trying soon thereafter. Usually when the initial love and welcome from the Christian community wears off, and like myself, most begin to clearly see that this community has nothing but contempt and disgust for GLBT people.