This study is nothing new. No way! There's been studies about this for more than a decade or so.
For example, here, in Massachusetts the gay community asked for, and was granted, a
Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth u/ then Governor William F. Weld (R-Massachusetts). The rationale for such a state Commission: studies indicated that public school GLBTs kids were being picked on, verbally abused, physically abused, and that public school GLBTs had a higher rate of suicide, all as a result of homophobia and hostility w/i public schools against GLBTs. Weld agreed and authorized this Commission. Governor Weld was very popular amongst gays in Massachusetts. His Commission exists to this day but not w/o Mitt Romney's
attempts (rightwing advocacy group) to implode it.
Here's a document on some statistics/studies:
http://www.lambda.org/Gay_student_facts.htm (check out the footnotes, too, particularly the dates).
In other words, there's a deep and long list of studies, not merely this one or another one in the U.K that's contained in the OP. Studies all indicate that it's well accepted fact if a child sustains the slings and arrows of homophobia, physical abuse, and/or worse during public school K-12, then it will affect that child to the point of depression and suicide.
The Commission was formed to help prevent (1) harm caused to GLBT children, (2) harm caused to a learning environment, and (2) litigation.
see also:
http://www.article8.org/docs/gay_strategies/framing_the_issue.htm(another rightwing advocacy group that attempts to implode this Commission)
http://www.mass.gov/gcgly/yrbs03.pdf (.pdf format, AdobeReader(R) required but only one page)
Massachusetts High School Students and Sexual Orientation - Results of the 2003 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, Massachusetts)
edited to add:
Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 76, Section 5 (in pertinent part):
"No person shall be excluded from or discriminated against in admission to a public school of any town, or in obtaining the advantages, privileges and courses of study of such public school on account of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation."
-Signed by Massachusetts Governor William F. Weld, December 10, 1993