Ahhhhh ... what would a day be like with out the daily dose of homophobic drivel from our friends at the American Family Ass(hole)ociation?
An ex-"gay" group claims it was the victim of viewpoint discrimination last weekend at a school counselors' conference in Richmond, Virginia. PFOX -- Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays -- says it was kicked out of the annual convention of the Virginia School Counselor Association for promoting change from the homosexual lifestyle.
According to PFOX spokesman Dr. Warren Throckmorton, the conservative group had applied for, paid for, and received permission to exhibit at the conference -- but school counselors objected to some materials on the PFOX table. Throckmorton says even though PFOX removed the offending materials, which included a brochure that asks "Can Gays Change?", the two female representatives for PFOX were ordered to dismantle their table.
"And I think that's a sad thing," Throckmorton offers. "I think it's a shocking thing, really, that these two grandmothers, who were there out of concern for kids and safety in schools and kids making good decisions about their sexuality, ... would be treated in such a manner."
"The irony is lost, I guess, on them that the silencing of a perspective is intolerant," he says. "And no one there at the PFOX table was advocating any harm to anybody; in fact, they were advocating safety for all."
http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/4/afa/42006d.aspTalk about irony!
"And no one there at the PFOX table was advocating any harm to anybody ...The entire mainstream psychiatric and psycological field (meaning everyone not in the extreme lunatic fringe) has repeatedly said that attempts to change sexual orientation ARE harmful. Of course the AFA - and no doubt the two grannies who got their shrivelled asses kicked out of the conference - get around that by claiming that the denunciations of "ex-gay" programs by such groups as the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association are vast conspiracies by a cabal of covert homosexuals working to implement the ever-illusive "radical homosexual agenda."