and the ex gays. started to have same-sex attractions when I was 11 or 12 years old.I would have crushes on women or girls that would turn into obsessions. During high school, I had a best girlfriend, and for the first time in my life I felt loved and appreciated for who I was. It was great. Suddenly my life
was completely transformed. Finally, it had meaning.
So I didn’t care when my mom sat me down and told me that she and my dad were getting a divorce. But I did care when my mom sat me down and asked me if my friend and I were having a homosexual relationship. I was devastated. How could my mom think that of me? But I had to admit to myself that deep down inside I wished we were having a homosexual relationship because then she would never leave me, and I would always feel the way I did then.
After high school, I attended the University of California at Irvine. I excelled academically, was president of my sorority pledge class and editor-in-chief of the yearbook my freshman year, yet I still felt empty and unfulfilled. My dissatisfaction with life was starting to get to me. I needed a
change, so I applied for the University of California’s Education Abroad Program at the University of Delhi in India so I could study Hinduism and Buddhism for a year. I thought that maybe I could find some meaning to life.
Schneider retired from Family Research Counsel in 2001 and is currently a stay-at-home mom for her two girls. With the help of her husband, she leads Living in Victory Ministries to reach those dealing with homosexuality. Schneider continues to share her story of redemption with many churches, high schools, colleges and FCA/AIA conferences. You can reach Schneider at or purchase her book Bridging the Gap at For speaking engagements visit
During my time in India I befriended my Hindi teacher. After several months the relationship became physical at her initiation. The next day I was horrified by what I had done. This couldn’t be who I was. I spent the day walking through the foothills of the Himalayas. From where I was, I could see the majestic snow-covered peaks up above and a tiny ribbon of water below that was the Jammu River. I felt so small and insignificant in comparison. But at the same time, I was consumed with inner turmoil. I didn’t want to identify myself as a lesbian. But I was feeling loved and appreciated by this woman, and I couldn’t walk away from that. Somehow I had to reconcile the fact that I thought homosexuality was wrong with the fact that I was getting my emotional needs met through a homosexual relationship.
For the unitiated the FCA is an organization which got its start on college campuses and has since moved to high school campuses. Most schools have chapters of this group and it meets like any other club. I have to say that the last thing gay high school students need is a club encouraging high school athletes to be more homophobic. I am not terribly familiar with this organization so I don't know if this is usual fare for them or not. Either way we should know.