I'm a big fan of William Sloane Coffin, I keep a copy of "Credo" close by - especially these days.
There's seems to be conflicting sources regarding Reggie White renouncing his homophobic remarks and beliefs. In an article about his induction to the Football Hall of Fame his wife, Sara, says that his stance did not change.
I'd love to find a definitive quote from Reggie that proves he recanted -- but I've had no luck.
Reggie's most controversial statement came in 1998 while addressing the Wisconsin Legislature. He declared, "Homosexuality is a decision, it's not a race. People from all different ethnic backgrounds live in this lifestyle. But people from all different ethnic backgrounds also are liars and cheaters and malicious and backstabbing."
There was a major furor. Sara says he never backed down from that stance.
"Oh, no, no, no. That didn't change," she said. "Homosexuality wasn't changed. And let me just tell you about our Wisconsin legislators. They were not as bad as people reported them to be. The media tore that up.
"I believe God allowed that to happen to put some thick skin on Reggie because Reggie was hurt by it. Because he was there, he knew what he said, he knew how it was reported and he is very sensitive. But I think God allowed that to give him thicker skin for where he was going to go. Because where he was going to go was much deeper than that."<snip>